加拿大联邦技术移民TEER职业(Express Entry)-2023年(TEER 0 、1、2、3才符合
2021版职业代码 TEER分类 职业中文-
0011 00010 0 立法官员 Legislators
0012 00011 0 高级政府管理人员和官员 Senior government managers and officials
0013 00012 0 高级管理人员 - 财务金融、商务交流和其他商业服务 Senior managers - financial, communications and other business services
0014 00013 0 高级管理人员——健康、教育、社会和社区服务以及会员组织 Senior managers - health, education, social and community services and membership organizations
0015 00014 0 高级管理人员 - 贸易、广播和其他服务 Senior managers - trade, broadcasting and other services
0016 00015 0 高级管理人员 - 工程施工、交通运输、生产和公用事业 Senior managers - construction, transportation, production and utilities
0111 10010 0 财务经理-新新源移民 Financial managers
0112 10011 0 人力资源经理 Human resources managers
0113 10012 0 采购经理 Purchasing managers
0114、1227拆分 10019 0 其他行政服务经理(行政、档案、法律、安全、运营、后勤仓库等) Other administrative services managers
0121 10020 0 保险、房地产和金融经纪经理 Insurance, real estate and financial brokerage managers
0122 10021 0 银行、信贷和其他投资经理 Banking, credit and other investment managers
0124、1123拆分 10022 0 广告、营销和公共关系经理-新新源移民 Advertising, marketing and public relations managers
0125 10029 0 其他商业服务经理(管理咨询、会计审计、市场调研、就业服务、商业分析、安保、设施管理、人事代理、call center、会议服务、护理登记主管) Other business services managers
0131 10030 0 电信运营商经理 Telecommunication carriers managers
0211 20010 0 工程经理(电信工程、工程研发、电气工程、生产工程、工程部门) Engineering managers
0212 20011 0 建筑和科学经理(建筑和城市规划、首席精算、农业化学、石油地质、生命科学、统计服务、科学研究、林业/矿业/制造业研究) Architecture and science managers
0213 20012 0 计算机和信息系统经理 Computer and information systems managers
0311 30010 0 医疗健康护理和治疗主任(麻醉、外科、急诊、护理、治疗、临床、检验科) Managers in health care
0411 40010 0 政府管理人员 - 卫生和社会政策制定和项目管理 Government managers - health and social policy development and program administration
0412 40011 0 政府管理人员 - 经济分析、政策制定和项目管理 Government managers - economic analysis, policy development and program administration
0413 40012 0 政府管理人员 - 教育政策制定和项目管理 Government managers - education policy development and program administration
0414 40019 0 其他公共行政管理人员(政府间事务官员、立法委员会相关官员、选举规划官员) Other managers in public administration
0421 40020 0 学院院长/系主任 - 中学后教育和职业培训 Administrators - post-secondary education and vocational training
0422 40021 0 小学和中学教育的校长和管理人员 School principals and administrators of elementary and secondary education
0423 40030 0 社会、社区和惩教服务的管理人员 Managers in social, community and correctional services
0431、0433拆分 40040 0 公共保护服务中的警察和相关职业 Commissioned police officers and related occupations in public protection services
0432 40041 0 消防队长和高级消防官 Fire chiefs and senior firefighting officers
0433拆分 40042 0 加拿大武装部队的军官 Commissioned officers of the Canadian Armed Forces
0511 50010 0 管理人员-图书馆、档案馆、博物馆和美术馆 Library, archive, museum and art gallery managers
0512 50011 0 管理人员 - 出版、电影、广播和表演艺术 Managers - publishing, motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts
0513 50012 0 管理人员-娱乐、运动和健身计划和服务 Recreation, sports and fitness program and service directors
0601 60010 0 企业销售经理 Corporate sales managers
0621 60020 0 零售和批发贸易经理 Retail and wholesale trade managers
0631 60030 0 餐厅和食品服务经理 Restaurant and food service managers
0632 60031 0 住宿服务经理 Accommodation service managers
0651 60040 0 客户和个人服务经理 Managers in customer and personal services
0711 70010 0 施工经理-新新源移民 Construction managers
0712 70011 0 房屋建筑和装修经理 Home building and renovation managers
6221、0714拆分 70012 0 设施运营和维护经理(机场经理、学校设施维护经理、舞台经理、仓库经理) Facility operation and maintenance managers
0731 70020 0 交通运输经理(飞行运营、货运代理、公交、铁路营运、物流配送、游轮航线) Managers in transportation
0132 70021 0 邮政和快递服务经理 Postal and courier services managers
0811 80010 0 自然资源生产和渔业管理人员 Managers in natural resources production and fishing
0821 80020 0 农业管理人员 Managers in agriculture
0822 80021 0 园艺经理 Managers in horticulture
0823 80022 0 水产养殖经理 Managers in aquaculture
0911 90010 0 生产制造经理 Manufacturing managers
0912 90011 0 公用事业经理 Utilities managers
1111、1114拆分 11100 1 财务审计师和会计师-新新源移民 Financial auditors and accountants
1112 11101 1 财务金融和投资分析师 Financial and investment analysts
1114拆分 11102 1 财务/理财顾问 Financial advisors
1113 11103 1 证券代理人、投资交易商和经纪人 Securities agents, investment dealers and brokers
1114拆分 11109 1 其他财务人员(财务稽核、财务调查、金融承销、信托管理、抵押经纪) Other financial officers
0112、1121拆分 11200 1 人力资源专业人员 Human resources professionals
1122 11201 1 企业管理咨询专业职业 Professional occupations in business management consulting
1123、4163拆分 11202 1 广告、营销和公共关系方专业人员-新新源移民 Professional occupations in advertising, marketing and public relations
2111 21100 1 物理学家和天文学家 Physicists and astronomers
2112 21101 1 化学家 Chemists
2113 21102 1 地球科学家和海洋学家 Geoscientists and oceanographers
2114 21103 1 气象学家和气候学家 Meteorologists and climatologists
2115 21109 1 物理科学的其他专业职业 Other professional occupations in physical sciences
2121、4165拆分 21110 1 生物学家和相关科学家 Biologists and related scientists
2122 21111 1 林业专家 Forestry professionals
2123 21112 1 农业代表、顾问和专家 Agricultural representatives, consultants and specialists
0112、2263拆分 21120 1 公共和环境健康与安全专业人员 Public and environmental health and safety professionals
2151 21200 1 建筑师 Architects
2152 21201 1 景观设计师 Landscape architects
2153 21202 1 城市和土地利用规划师 Urban and land use planners
2154 21203 1 土地测量师 Land surveyors
2161 21210 1 数学家、统计学家和精算师 Mathematicians, statisticians and actuaries
2171、2172、2173拆分 21211 1 数据科学家 Data scientists
2171拆分 21220 1 网络安全专家-新新源移民 Cybersecurity specialists
2171拆分 21221 1 商业系统专家(商业系统/信息系统分析及顾问) Business system specialists
2171拆分 21222 1 信息系统专家 Information systems specialists
2172拆分 21223 1 数据库分析师和数据管理员 Database analysts and data administrators
2174 21230 1 计算机系统开发人员和程序员 Computer systems developers and programmers
2173 21231 1 软件工程师和设计师-新新源移民 Software engineers and designers
2174拆分 21232 1 软件开发人员和程序员 Software developers and programmers
2171、2175拆分 21233 1 网页设计师 Web designers
2174、2175拆分 21234 1 网络开发人员和程序员 Web developers and programmers
2131 21300 1 土木工程师-新新源移民 Civil engineers
2132 21301 1 机械工程师 Mechanical engineers
2133 21310 1 电气和电子工程师 Electrical and electronics engineers
2147 21311 1 计算机硬件工程师(不包含软件工程师和设计师) Computer engineers (except software engineers and designers)
2134 21320 1 化学工程师 Chemical engineers
2141 21321 1 工业和制造工程师 Industrial and manufacturing engineers
2142 21322 1 冶金和材料工程师 Metallurgical and materials engineers
2143 21330 1 采矿工程师 Mining engineers
2144 21331 1 地质工程师 Geological engineers
2145 21332 1 石油工程师-新新源移民 Petroleum engineers
2146 21390 1 航天工程师 Aerospace engineers
2148 21399 1 其他专业工程师(农业、生物、工程、物理、医学、食品加工、海洋、海军工程、纺织) Other professional engineers
3111 31100 1 临床和实验室医学专家 Specialists in clinical and laboratory medicine
3111拆分 31101 1 外科专家 Specialists in surgery
3112 31102 1 全科医生和家庭医生 General practitioners and family physicians
3114 31103 1 兽医 Veterinarians
3113 31110 1 牙医 Dentists
3121 31111 1 验光师 Optometrists
3141 31112 1 听力学家和语言病理学家 Audiologists and speech-language pathologists
3131 31120 1 药剂师 Pharmacists
3132 31121 1 营养师和营养师 Dietitians and nutritionists
4151 31200 1 心理学家 Psychologists
3122 31201 1 脊椎按摩师 Chiropractors
3142 31202 1 物理治疗师 Physiotherapists
3143 31203 1 职业理疗师 Occupational therapists
3144 31204 1 运动机能学家和其他治疗和评估专业人员 Kinesiologists and other professional occupations in therapy and assessment
3125 31209 1 其他卫生诊疗专业(手足病医生、骨科医生、自然疗法医生) Other professional occupations in health diagnosing and treating
3011 31300 1 护理协调员和主管 Nursing coordinators and supervisors
3012 31301 1 注册护士和注册精神科护士 Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses
3124 31302 1 执业护士-新新源移民 Nurse practitioners
3124、3125、3212、4153拆分 31303 1 医师助理、助产士和专职医疗人员 Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionals
4111 41100 1 法院法官 Judges
4112 41101 1 律师和魁北克公证人 Lawyers and Quebec notaries
4011 41200 1 大学教授和讲师-新新源移民 University professors and lecturers
4012 41201 1 高等教育教学和研究助理 Post-secondary teaching and research assistants
4021 41210 1 学院和其他职业教师 College and other vocational instructors
4031 41220 1 中学教师 Secondary school teachers
4032 41221 1 小学和幼儿园教师 Elementary school and kindergarten teachers
4152 41300 1 社会工作者(专注于儿童福利、家庭服务、矫正、老年医学、上瘾症治疗) Social workers
4151、4153、3144拆分 41301 1 咨询和相关专业治疗的治疗师(各种治疗室、心理教育、家庭顾问、婚姻咨询、性学家) Therapists in counselling and related specialized therapies
4154 41302 1 宗教领袖(主教和牧师) Religious leaders
0431、4165、4311拆分 41310 1 警察调查员和其他调查职业(毒品调查、侦缉调查、法医、验尸官) Police investigators and other investigative occupations
4155 41311 1 缓刑和假释官员 Probation and parole officers
4033 41320 1 教育顾问(学术顾问、职业顾问、学生就业协调) Educational counsellors
4153、4156拆分 41321 1 职业发展从业者和职业顾问(教育除外) Career development practitioners and career counsellors (except education)
4161 41400 1 自然和应用科学政策研究人员、顾问和项目官员 Natural and applied science policy researchers, consultants and program officers
4162 41401 1 经济学家和经济政策研究人员和分析师 Economists and economic policy researchers and analysts
4163拆分 41402 1 业务开发人员和市场研究人员和分析师-新新源移民 Business development officers and market researchers and analysts
4164 41403 1 社会政策研究人员、顾问和项目官员 Social policy researchers, consultants and program officers
4165拆分 41404 1 卫生政策研究人员、顾问和项目官员 Health policy researchers, consultants and program officers
4166 41405 1 教育政策研究人员、顾问和项目官员 Education policy researchers, consultants and program officers
4167 41406 1 娱乐、运动和健身政策研究人员、顾问和项目官员 Recreation, sports and fitness policy researchers, consultants and program officers
4168 41407 1 政府特有的项目官员(选举官员、委员会官员、礼宾官员、审判官员、外交官员、政府间事务官员) Program officers unique to government
4169 41409 1 社会科学的其他专业职业(人类学家、考古学家、地理学家、老年病学家、历史学家、语言学家、政治学家、社会学家、犯罪学家) Other professional occupations in social science
5111 51100 1 图书馆工作人员 Librarians
5112 51101 1 管理员和保管员(博物馆、美术馆、艺术品、文物馆) Conservators and curators
5113 51102 1 档案管理员 Archivists
5122 51110 1 编辑 Editors
5121 51111 1 作者和作家(技术除外)(广告文案、诗人、文学剧作、小说) Authors and writers (except technical)
5121拆分 51112 1 技术作家(医学写作者、科学写作者、技术规范写作者) Technical writers
5123 51113 1 记者 Journalists
5125 51114 1 笔译员、术语学家和口译员-新新源移民 Translators, terminologists and interpreters
5131 51120 1 制片人、导演、编舞和相关职业 Producers, directors, choreographers and related occupations
5132 51121 1 指挥家、作曲家和编曲家 Conductors, composers and arrangers
5133 51122 1 音乐家和歌手 Musicians and singers
1211 12010 2 主管、办公室和行政支持人员 Supervisors, general office and administrative support workers
1212 12011 2 主管、金融保险办公室职员 Supervisors, finance and insurance office workers
1213 12012 2 主管、图书馆、通信往来和相关信息工作者 Supervisors, library, correspondence and related information workers
1215 12013 2 主管、供应链、跟踪和调度协调职业 Supervisors, supply chain, tracking and scheduling coordination occupations
1222 12100 2 执行助理(立法机构、大型会议、部长/副部长、公司高层、委员会/董事会) Executive assistants
1223 12101 2 人力资源和招聘官员 Human resources and recruitment officers
1225 12102 2 采购代理人和官员 Procurement and purchasing agents and officers
1226 12103 2 会议和活动策划者 Conference and event planners
1228 12104 2 就业保险和税务工作人员 Employment insurance and revenue officers
1251 12110 2 法庭书记员、医疗记录员和相关职业 Court reporters, medical transcriptionists and related occupations
1252 12111 2 健康信息管理职业(健康记录、医疗记录主管和工作人员) Health information management occupations
1253 12112 2 记录管理工作人员(记录分类、管理、数字化) Records management technicians
1254 12113 2 统计官员和相关研究支持职业 Statistical officers and related research support occupations
1311 12200 2 会计工作人员和簿记员-新新源移民 Accounting technicians and bookkeepers
1312 12201 2 保险理算员和理赔审查员 Insurance adjusters and claims examiners
1313 12202 2 保险承销商 Insurance underwriters
1314 12203 2 评估员、企业估价师和估价师 Assessors, business valuators and appraisers
2211 22100 2 化学技师和技术员 Chemical technologists and technicians
2212 22101 2 地质和矿产技术专家和技术员 Geological and mineral technologists and technicians
2221 22110 2 生物技术人员和技术员 Biological technologists and technicians
2222 22111 2 农产品和水产品检验员 Agricultural and fish products inspectors
2223 22112 2 林业技术人员和技术人员 Forestry technologists and technicians
2224 22113 2 野生动物植物保护和渔业官员(公园看守、狩猎看管、自然资源保护、野生动物保护、渔业官员) Conservation and fishery officers
2225 22114 2 景观和园艺技术人员和专家 Landscape and horticulture technicians and specialists
2251 22210 2 建筑技师和技师 Architectural technologists and technicians
2252 22211 2 工业设计师 Industrial designers
2253 22212 2 制图技师和技师 Drafting technologists and technicians
2254 22213 2 土地测量技师和技术员 Land survey technologists and technicians
2255 22214 2 地理信息学和气象学方面的技术职业 Technical occupations in geomatics and meteorology
2281 22220 2 计算机网络和网络技术人员 Computer network and web technicians
2282 22221 2 用户支持技术人员 User support technicians
2283 22222 2 信息系统测试技术员 Information systems testing technicians
2261 22230 2 无损检测员和检查员 Non-destructive testers and inspectors
2262 22231 2 工程检查员和监管人员 Engineering inspectors and regulatory officers
0112、2263拆分 22232 2 职业健康和安全专家 Occupational health and safety specialists
2264 22233 2 施工检查(建筑、桥梁、管道、矿山、公路施工监察) Construction inspectors
2231 22300 2 土木工程技师和技术员 Civil engineering technologists and technicians
2232 22301 2 机械工程技术人员和技术员-新新源移民 Mechanical engineering technologists and technicians
2233 22302 2 工业工程和制造技术专家和技术员 Industrial engineering and manufacturing technologists and technicians
2234 22303 2 施工估算员 Construction estimators
2241 22310 2 电气和电子工程技术人员和技术员 Electrical and electronics engineering technologists and technicians
2242、7445拆分 22311 2 电子服务技术人员(家用和商用设备) Electronic service technicians (household and business equipment)
2243 22312 2 工业仪器技术人员和机械师 Industrial instrument technicians and mechanics
2244 22313 2 飞机仪表、电气和航空电子机械师、技术员和检查员 Aircraft instrument, electrical and avionics mechanics, technicians and inspectors
3231 32100 2 配镜师 Opticians
3233 32101 2 执业护士 Licensed practical nurses
3234 32102 2 辅助医疗职业(重症护理辅助、救护车服务、急救服务相关医务和护理人员) Paramedical occupations
3124、3214拆分 32103 2 呼吸治疗师、临床灌注师和心肺技师 Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists
3213 32104 2 动物卫生技术人员和兽医技术人员 Animal health technologists and veterinary technicians
3142、3237、3414拆分 32109 2 治疗和评估方面的其他技术职业(理疗技师、言语治疗、职业治疗、眼科技师、康复助理) Other technical occupations in therapy and assessment
3221 32110 2 义齿牙科技师 Denturists
3222 32111 2 牙科保健员和牙科治疗师 Dental hygienists and dental therapists
3223 32112 2 牙科技师和技师 Dental technologists and technicians
3211、3212拆分 32120 2 医学化验师 Medical laboratory technologists
3215 32121 2 医疗放射技师 Medical radiation technologists
3216 32122 2 医学超声医师 Medical sonographers
3217 32123 2 心脏病技师和电生理诊断技师 Cardiology technologists and electrophysiological diagnostic technologists
3219 32124 2 药房技术员 Pharmacy technicians
3219拆分 32129 2 其他医疗技术人员和技术人员(义眼、假肢、饮食营养学) Other medical technologists and technicians
3232 32200 2 中医和针灸师 Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners and acupuncturists
3236 32201 2 按摩治疗师 Massage therapists
3232拆分 32209 2 其他自然疗法从业者(芳香精油疗法、草药、 印度阿育吠陀、催眠、整骨、按摩) Other practitioners of natural healing
4311、4313拆分 42100 2 警务人员(委任除外) Police officers (except commissioned)
4312 42101 2 消防员 Firefighters
4313拆分 42102 2 加拿大武装部队的专业成员 Specialized members of the Canadian Armed Forces
1227、4211拆分 42200 2 律师助理及相关职业 Paralegal and related occupations
4155、4212拆分 42201 2 社会和社区服务工作者(社区服务、家庭服务、心理健康等工作者,可以晋升到41300社会工作者) Social and community service workers
4214 42202 2 幼儿教育工作者和助理 Early childhood educators and assistants
4215 42203 2 残疾人教师 Instructors of persons with disabilities
4217 42204 2 宗教工作者(宗教相关工作、传道士、和尚、修女) Religion workers
5211 52100 2 图书馆和公共档案技术人员及档案助理 Library and public archive technicians
5222 52110 2 电影和摄像机操作员 Film and video camera operators
5223 52111 2 图形艺术技术人员(动画技术、多媒体平面技术、海报) Graphic arts technicians
5224 52112 2 广播技术员 Broadcast technicians
5225 52113 2 录音录像技术人员 Audio and video recording technicians
5231 52114 2 播音员和其他广播员 Announcers and other broadcasters
5226 52119 2 电影、广播和表演艺术中的其他技术和协调职业 Other technical and coordinating occupations in motion pictures, broadcasting and the performing arts
5241 52120 2 平面设计师和插画师 Graphic designers and illustrators
5242 52121 2 室内设计师和室内装饰师 Interior designers and interior decorators
5243、6211拆分 62010 2 零售销售主管 Retail sales supervisors
6311 62020 2 餐饮服务主管 Food service supervisors
6312 62021 2 行政管家(医院、酒店、客房) Executive housekeepers
6313 62022 2 住宿、旅行、旅游及相关服务主管 Accommodation, travel, tourism and related services supervisors
6314 62023 2 客户和信息服务主管 Customer and information services supervisors
6315 62024 2 保洁清洁主管 Cleaning supervisors
6316 62029 2 其他服务主管(会所、洗衣、停车、门卫、检票) Other services supervisors
6221、6411拆分 62100 2 技术销售专家-批发贸易 Technical sales specialists - wholesale trade
6222 62101 2 零售和批发买手 Retail and wholesale buyers
6321 62200 2 厨师(主厨) Chefs
6346 62201 2 丧葬承办人和防腐人员 Funeral directors and embalmers
6344 62202 2 珠宝商、珠宝和钟表修理工及相关职业 Jewellers, jewellery and watch repairers and related occupations
7201 72010 2 承包商和主管,机械加工、金属成型、成型和安装行业及相关职业 Contractors and supervisors, machining, metal forming, shaping and erecting trades and related occupations
7202 72011 2 承包商和主管,电气行业和电信职业 Contractors and supervisors, electrical trades and telecommunications occupations
7203 72012 2 承包商和主管,管道安装行业 Contractors and supervisors, pipefitting trades
7204 72013 2 承包商和主管,木工行业 Contractors and supervisors, carpentry trades
7205 72014 2 承包商和主管,其他建筑行业、安装人员、维修人员和服务人员 Contractors and supervisors, other construction trades, installers, repairers and servicers
7301 72020 2 承包商和主管,机械行业 Contractors and supervisors, mechanic trades
7302 72021 2 承包商和主管,重型设备操作人员 Contractors and supervisors, heavy equipment operator crews
7303 72022 2 主管、印刷及相关职业 Supervisors, printing and related occupations
7304 72023 2 主管,铁路运输业务 Supervisors, railway transport operations
7305 72024 2 主管、汽车运输和其他地面交通运营商 Supervisors, motor transport and other ground transit operators
1214 72025 2 主管、邮件和传真信息分发工作职业 Supervisors, mail and message distribution occupations
7231 72100 2 机械师和机械加工和工具检查员 Machinists and machining and tooling inspectors
7232 72101 2 工具制造和制模工 Tool and die makers
7233 72102 2 钣金工 Sheet metal workers
7234 72103 2 锅炉工 Boilermakers
7235 72104 2 结构金属和板材制造商和装配工 Structural metal and platework fabricators and fitters
7236 72105 2 钢铁工人 Ironworkers
7237 72106 2 焊工和相关机器操作员 Welders and related machine operators
7241 72200 2 电工(工业和电力系统除外) Electricians (except industrial and power system)
7242 72201 2 工业电工 Industrial electricians
7243 72202 2 电力系统电工 Power system electricians
7244 72203 2 电力线和电缆工人 Electrical power line and cable workers
7245、7247拆分 72204 2 电信线路和电缆安装和维修人员 Telecommunications line and cable installers and repairers
7246、7247拆分 72205 2 电信设备安装和有线电视服务技术人员 Telecommunications equipment installation and cable television service technicians
7251 72300 2 管道工 Plumbers
7252 72301 2 蒸汽装配工、管道装配工和喷水灭火系统安装工 Steamfitters, pipefitters and sprinkler system installers
7253 72302 2 煤气安装工 Gas fitters
7271 72310 2 木匠 Carpenters
7272 72311 2 家具橱柜工 Cabinetmakers
7281 72320 2 瓦工 Bricklayers
7293 72321 2 绝缘工 Insulators
7311 72400 2 建筑技工和工业机械师 Construction millwrights and industrial mechanics
7312 72401 2 重型设备机械师 Heavy-duty equipment mechanics
7313 72402 2 供暖、制冷和空调机械师 Heating, refrigeration and air conditioning mechanics
7314 72403 2 铁路工(机械师、检验员、修理工、学徒) Railway carmen / women
7315 72404 2 飞机机械师和飞机检查员 Aircraft mechanics and aircraft inspectors
7316 72405 2 机器装配工 Machine fitters
7318 72406 2 电梯制造商和机械师 Elevator constructors and mechanics
7321 72410 2 汽车服务技术人员、卡车和公共汽车机械师和机械修理工 Automotive service technicians, truck and bus mechanics and mechanical repairers
7322 72411 2 车身碰撞、修补和玻璃技术人员以及损坏维修估算人员 Auto body collision, refinishing and glass technicians and damage repair estimators
7331 72420 2 油和固体燃料加热技工 Oil and solid fuel heating mechanics
7332 72421 2 家电服务和维修工 Appliance servicers and repairers
7333 72422 2 电气技工 Electrical mechanics
7334、7384拆分 72423 2 摩托车、越野车及其他相关技工 Motorcycle, all-terrain vehicle and other related mechanics
7335 72429 2 其他小型发动机和小型设备修理工 Other small engine and small equipment repairers
7371 72500 2 起重机操作员 Crane operators
7373 72501 2 水井钻工 Water well drillers
2271、8252拆分 72600 2 飞行员、飞行工程师和飞行教员 Air pilots, flight engineers and flying instructors
2272 72601 2 空中交通管制员及相关职业 Air traffic controllers and related occupations
2273 72602 2 甲板人员,水上运输 Deck officers, water transport
2274 72603 2 轮机员,水上运输 Engineer officers, water transport
2275 72604 2 铁路交通管制员和海上交通管制员 Railway traffic controllers and marine traffic regulators
7384 72999 2 其他技术行业和相关职业(翻砂工、铁匠、商业潜水员、兽医、枪匠、锁匠、回收的潜水员、高空作业工人、钳工、轻武器修理工、工具师) Other technical trades and related occupations
8211 82010 2 主管,伐木和林业 Supervisors, logging and forestry
8221 82020 2 主管,采矿和采石 Supervisors, mining and quarrying
8252拆分 82030 2 农业服务承包商和农场主管 Agricultural service contractors and farm supervisors
8255 82031 2 承包商和主管、景观美化、场地维护和园艺服务 Contractors and supervisors, landscaping, grounds maintenance and horticulture services
9211 92010 2 主管,矿物和金属加工 Supervisors, mineral and metal processing
9212 92011 2 主管,石油、天然气和化学加工和公用事业 Supervisors, petroleum, gas and chemical processing and utilities
9213 92012 2 主管,食品和饮料加工 Supervisors, food and beverage processing
9214 92013 2 主管,塑料和橡胶制品制造 Supervisors, plastic and rubber products manufacturing
9215 92014 2 主管,林产品加工 Supervisors, forest products processing
9217 92015 2 监理、纺织、布料、毛皮及皮革制品加工制造 Supervisors, textile, fabric, fur and leather products processing and manufacturing
9221 92020 2 主管,机动车装配 Supervisors, motor vehicle assembling
9222、9223拆分 92021 2 主管,电子和电器产品制造 Supervisors, electronics and electrical products manufacturing
9224 92022 2 主管,家具和固定装置制造 Supervisors, furniture and fixtures manufacturing
9226 92023 2 主管,其他机械和金属产品制造 Supervisors, other mechanical and metal products manufacturing
9227 92024 2 主管,其他产品制造和组装 Supervisors, other products manufacturing and assembly
9241 92100 2 电力工程师和电力系统操作员 Power engineers and power systems operators
9243 92101 2 水和废物处理厂操作工 Water and waste treatment plant operators
1221 13100 3 行政人员 Administrative officers
1224 13101 3 物业管理/物业租赁 Property administrators
1432 13102 3 薪资管理员 Payroll administrators
0112、1241拆分 13110 3 行政助理-新新源移民 Administrative assistants
1242 13111 3 法律行政助理 Legal administrative assistants
1243 13112 3 医疗行政助理 Medical administrative assistants
1315 13200 3 海关、船舶和其他经纪人 Customs, ship and other brokers
1215、1523拆分 13201 3 生产和运输物流协调员 Production and transportation logistics coordinators
3223、3411拆分 33100 3 牙科助理和牙科实验室助理 Dental assistants and dental laboratory assistants
3212 33101 3 医学实验室助理及相关技术职业 Medical laboratory assistants and related technical occupations
3413 33102 3 护士助理、勤杂工和病人服务助理 Nurse aides, orderlies and patient service associates
3219、3414拆分 33103 3 药房技术助理和药房助理 Pharmacy technical assistants and pharmacy assistants
3237、3414拆分 33109 3 支持卫生服务的其他辅助职业(听力测试助理、眼科助理、验光助理、解剖助理、停尸房工作人员、整形技师、献血助理) Other assisting occupations in support of health services
4413 43100 3 中小学教师助理 Elementary and secondary school teacher assistants
4216 43109 3 其他讲师(驾照审查、驾驶教练、缝纫师傅、造型师) Other instructors
4421 43200 3 治安官和法警 Sheriffs and bailiffs
4422 43201 3 惩教服务人员(惩教主任、监狱看守、拘留工作人员) Correctional service officers
4423 43202 3 执法人员和其他监管人员(执法人员、动物管制、垃圾监管、酒类拍照监管、停车管理、出租车管理) By-law enforcement and other regulatory officers
1228拆分 43203 3 边境服务、海关和移民官员 Border services, customs, and immigration officers
4313拆分 43204 3 加拿大武装部队的行动执行成员 Operations Members of the Canadian Armed Forces
5212 53100 3 登记员、修复员、口译员和其他与博物馆和美术馆相关的职业(展览筹备、保护、修复、推广、标本制作) Registrars, restorers, interpreters and other occupations related to museum and art galleries
5221 53110 3 摄影师 Photographers
5227 53111 3 电影、广播、摄影和表演艺术助理和操作员 Motion pictures, broadcasting, photography and performing arts assistants and operators
5134 53120 3 舞者 Dancers
5135、5232拆分 53121 3 演员、喜剧演员和马戏团表演者 Actors, comedians and circus performers
5136 53122 3 画家、雕塑家和其他视觉艺术家 Painters, sculptors and other visual artists
5243 53123 3 剧院、时装、展览和其他创意设计师 Theatre, fashion, exhibit and other creative designers
5244 53124 3 工匠和工匠(工艺品、雕刻、编织) Artisans and craftspersons
5245 53125 3 制版师/打样师 - 纺织品、皮革和毛皮制品 Patternmakers - textile, leather and fur products
5251 53200 3 运动员 Athletes
5252 53201 3 教练员 Coaches
5253 53202 3 体育官员和裁判员 Sports officials and referees
6231 63100 3 保险代理人和经纪人 Insurance agents and brokers
6232 63101 3 房地产经纪人和销售人员 Real estate agents and salespersons
6235 63102 3 金融销售代表 Financial sales representatives
6322 63200 3 厨师(一般的厨师) Cooks
6331 63201 3 屠宰 - 零售和批发 Butchers - retail and wholesale
6332 63202 3 面包师 Bakers
6341 63210 3 发型师和理发师 Hairstylists and barbers
6562 63211 3 美学家、电蚀医师和相关职业(美容护理、化妆、美甲、纹身) Estheticians, electrologists and related occupations
6343 63220 3 修鞋工和鞋匠 Shoe repairers and shoemakers
6345 63221 3 装修装潢商 Upholsterers
7282 73100 3 混凝土修整工 Concrete finishers
7283 73101 3 瓷砖工 Tilesetters
7284 73102 3 泥水工、石膏板安装工、修整工和泡沫工 Plasterers, drywall installers and finishers and lathers
7291 73110 3 屋顶工和瓦工 Roofers and shinglers
7292 73111 3 玻璃工 Glaziers
7294 73112 3 油漆工和装潢师(室内装潢师除外) Painters and decorators (except interior decorators)
7295 73113 3 地板安装工 Floor covering installers
7441 73200 3 住宅和商业安装和服务工 Residential and commercial installers and servicers
6733拆分 73201 3 一般建筑维修工人和建筑主管 General building maintenance workers and building superintendents
7444 73202 3 害虫控制工和熏蒸工 Pest controllers and fumigators
7445 73209 3 其他修理工和服务工 Other repairers and servicers
7511 73300 3 运输卡车司机 Transport truck drivers
7512 73301 3 公共汽车司机、地铁运营商和其他交通运营商 Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators
7361 73310 3 铁路和货场机车工程师 Railway and yard locomotive engineers
7362 73311 3 铁路售票员和列车员、司闸员 Railway conductors and brakemen / women
7521 73400 3 重型设备操作员 Heavy equipment operators
7381 73401 3 印刷机操作员 Printing press operators
7372 73402 3 钻孔工和爆破工 - 露天采矿、采石和建筑 Drillers and blasters - surface mining, quarrying and construction
8222 82021 3 承包商和主管,石油和天然气钻探和服务 Contractors and supervisors, oil and gas drilling and services
8231 83100 3 地下生产开发矿工 Underground production and development miners
8232 83101 3 油气井钻工、服务人员、测试人员和相关人员 Oil and gas well drillers, servicers, testers and related workers
8241 83110 3 伐木机械操作员 Logging machinery operators
8261 83120 3 渔船长和官员 Fishing masters and officers
8262 83121 3 渔民 Fishermen / women
9231 93100 3 中央控制和工艺操作员,矿物和金属加工 Central control and process operators, mineral and metal processing
9232 93101 3 中央控制和工艺操作员,石油、天然气和化学加工 Central control and process operators, petroleum, gas and chemical processing
9235 93102 3 制浆、造纸和涂料控制操作员 Pulping, papermaking and coating control operators
9521 93200 3 飞机装配工和飞机装配检查员 Aircraft assemblers and aircraft assembly inspectors
9447 94133 4 检查员和分级员,纺织品、织物、毛皮和皮革制品制造 Inspectors and graders, textile, fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing
1411 14100 4 一般办公室支持人员(课程协调、病例管理、病房管理、记录/档案管理、办公室文员) General office support workers
1414 14101 4 接待员 Receptionists
1415 14102 4 人事文员-新新源移民 Personnel clerks
1227、1416拆分 14103 4 法院书记员和相关的法院服务职业 Court clerks and related court services occupations
1454 14110 4 调查访问员和统计员 Survey interviewers and statistical clerks
1422 14111 4 数据录入员 Data entry clerks
1423 14112 4 电脑排版操作员及相关职业 Desktop publishing operators and related occupations
1431 14200 4 会计及相关文员(发票、账单、审计、存款、预算等clerk) Accounting and related clerks
1434 14201 4 银行、保险和其他金融文员 Banking, insurance and other financial clerks
1435 14202 4 收款员 Collection clerks
1451 14300 4 图书馆助理和文员 Library assistants and clerks
1452 14301 4 通讯、出版和监管文员 Correspondence, publication and regulatory clerks
1521 14400 4 发货人和收货人 Shippers and receivers
1522 14401 4 店员和零件人员 Storekeepers and partspersons
1523 14402 4 生产物流工 Production logistics workers
1524 14403 4 采购和库存控制人员 Purchasing and inventory control workers
1525 14404 4 调度员 Dispatchers
1526 14405 4 运输路线和工作人员计划员 Transportation route and crew schedulers
4411 44100 4 家庭托儿服务提供者 Home child care providers
4412 44101 4 家庭支持护理工作者和相关职业 Home support workers, caregivers and related occupations
4313拆分 44200 4 加拿大武装部队的主要战斗成员 Primary combat members of the Canadian Armed Forces
5254 54100 4 娱乐、运动和健身项目负责人和指导员 Program leaders and instructors in recreation, sport and fitness
5243、6421拆分 64100 4 零售销售员和视觉营销员 Retail salespersons and visual merchandisers
6411 64101 4 销售和客户代表 - 批发贸易(非技术) Sales and account representatives - wholesale trade (non-technical)
6342 64200 4 裁缝、裁缝、毛皮商和女帽商 Tailors, dressmakers, furriers and milliners
6561 64201 4 形象、社交等个人顾问 Image, social and other personal consultants
6511 64300 4 餐厅主招待(食品服务) Maîtres d'hôtel and hosts / hostesses
6512 64301 4 调酒师 Bartenders
6521 64310 4 旅行顾问 Travel counsellors
6522 64311 4 管事和空乘人员 Pursers and flight attendants
6523 64312 4 机票和服务代理 Airline ticket and service agents
6524 64313 4 水陆交通票务代理、货运服务代表及相关文员 Ground and water transport ticket agents, cargo service representatives and related clerks
6525 64314 4 酒店前台文员 Hotel front desk clerks
6531 64320 4 旅游和旅行导游 Tour and travel guides
6533 64321 4 赌场工作人员 Casino workers
6532 64322 4 户外运动和休闲向导 Outdoor sport and recreational guides
6551 64400 4 客户服务代表-金融机构 Customer services representatives - financial institutions
1511 64401 4 邮政快递后勤支持人员 Postal services representatives
1123、6552拆分 64409 4 其他客户和信息服务代表(会计/公交/旅游信息职员、投诉/联络/礼仪/咨询台、公关职员、订货代理) Other customer and information services representatives
6541 64410 4 保安员及相关保安服务职业 Security guards and related security service occupations
1511拆分 74100 4 邮件和包裹分拣员及相关职业 Mail and parcel sorters and related occupations
1512 74101 4 邮递员 Letter carriers
1513、7514拆分 74102 4 快递员和信使 Couriers and messengers
7531 74200 4 铁路调车场和轨道维修工人 Railway yard and track maintenance workers
7532 74201 4 水上运输甲板和机舱船员 Water transport deck and engine room crew
1215、7534拆分 74202 4 空运停机坪服务员 Air transport ramp attendants
7535 74203 4 汽车和重型卡车及设备零件安装人员和服务人员 Automotive and heavy truck and equipment parts installers and servicers
7442、7522拆分 74204 4 公用设施维修工 Utility maintenance workers
7522 74205 4 公共工程维护设备操作员和相关工人 Public works maintenance equipment operators and related workers
8411 84100 4 地下矿山服务和支持人员 Underground mine service and support workers
8412 84101 4 石油和天然气钻井及相关工人和服务经营者 Oil and gas well drilling and related workers and services operators
8421 84110 4 链锯和集材机操作员 Chain saw and skidder operators
8422 84111 4 造林和林业工人 Silviculture and forestry workers
8252、8431拆分 84120 4 专业畜牧工人和农机操作员 Specialized livestock workers and farm machinery operators
8441 84121 4 渔船甲板水手 Fishing vessel deckhands
8431、8611拆分 85101 4 收割工人(苹果采摘、蔬菜分包等) Harvesting labourers
9411 94100 4 机器操作员,矿物和金属加工 Machine operators, mineral and metal processing
9412 94101 4 铸造工人 Foundry workers
9413 94102 4 玻璃成型和精加工机器操作员和玻璃切割工 Glass forming and finishing machine operators and glass cutters
9414 94103 4 混凝土、粘土和石材成型操作员 Concrete, clay and stone forming operators
9415 94104 4 检查员和测试员,矿物和金属加工 Inspectors and testers, mineral and metal processing
9416 94105 4 金属加工和锻造机械操作员 Metalworking and forging machine operators
9417 94106 4 加工工具操作员 Machining tool operators
9418 94107 4 其他金属制品的机器操作员 Machine operators of other metal products
9421 94110 4 化工厂机器操作员 Chemical plant machine operators
9422 94111 4 塑料加工机械操作员 Plastics processing machine operators
9423 94112 4 橡胶加工机械操作员和相关工人 Rubber processing machine operators and related workers
9431 94120 4 锯木机操作员 Sawmill machine operators
9432、9433拆分 94121 4 纸浆厂、造纸和整理机操作员 Pulp mill, papermaking and finishing machine operators
9435 94122 4 纸加工机器操作员 Paper converting machine operators
9436 94123 4 木材分级员和其他木材加工检查员和分级员 Lumber graders and other wood processing inspectors and graders
9437 94124 4 木工机械操作员 Woodworking machine operators
9434 94129 4 其他木材加工机械操作员 Other wood processing machine operators
9441 94130 4 纺织纤维和纱线、生皮和毛皮加工机器操作员和工人 Textile fibre and yarn, hide and pelt processing machine operators and workers
9442 94131 4 织工、针织工和其他织物制作职业 Weavers, knitters and other fabric making occupations
9446 94132 4 工业缝纫机操作员 Industrial sewing machine operators
9461 94140 4 工艺制和机器操作员,食品和饮料加工 Process control and machine operators, food and beverage processing
9462 94141 4 工业屠宰和切肉机、家禽加工商和相关工人 Industrial butchers and meat cutters, poultry preparers and related workers
9463、9618拆分 94142 4 鱼类和海鲜工厂工人 Fish and seafood plant workers
9465 94143 4 测试员和分级员,食品和饮料加工 Testers and graders, food and beverage processing
9471 94150 4 无版印刷设备操作员 Plateless printing equipment operators
9472 94151 4 摄像、制版等印前职业 Camera, platemaking and other prepress occupations
9473 94152 4 装订和整理机操作员 Binding and finishing machine operators
9474 94153 4 照相和胶片处理器 Photographic and film processors
9522 94200 4 机动车装配工、检查员和测试员 Motor vehicle assemblers, inspectors and testers
9523 94201 4 电子装配工、制造商、检验员和测试员 Electronics assemblers, fabricators, inspectors and testers
9524 94202 4 装配和检验,电器、仪器和设备制造 Assemblers and inspectors, electrical appliance, apparatus and equipment manufacturing
9525 94203 4 装配工、制造商和检验员,工业电机和变压器 Assemblers, fabricators and inspectors, industrial electrical motors and transformers
9526 94204 4 机械装配员和检查员 Mechanical assemblers and inspectors
9527 94205 4 机器操作员和检查员,电气设备制造 Machine operators and inspectors, electrical apparatus manufacturing
9532、9534拆分 94210 4 家具和固定装置装配工、修整工、修补工和检查员 Furniture and fixture assemblers, finishers, refinishers and inspectors
9533 94211 4 其他木制品的装配工和检验员 Assemblers and inspectors of other wood products
9535 94212 4 塑料产品装配工、修整工和检验员 Plastic products assemblers, finishers and inspectors
9536 94213 4 工业油漆工、涂料工和金属精加工工艺操作员 Industrial painters, coaters and metal finishing process operators
9531、9537拆分 94219 4 其他产品装配工、修整工和检验员 Other products assemblers, finishers and inspectors
4413、6541拆分 45100 5 学生监视、保卫及相关职业(校车、餐厅、保卫监视保卫) Student monitors, crossing guards and related occupations
5232 55109 5 其他表演者(街头艺人、时装模特、魔术师) Other performers
6611 65100 5 收银员及办公室出纳 Cashiers
6621 65101 5 加油站服务员 Service station attendants
6622 65102 5 商店货架库存员、文员和订单填写员 Store shelf stockers, clerks and order fillers
6623 65109 5 其他销售相关职业(街头小贩、电话销售、直销推销) Other sales related occupations
6513 65200 5 餐饮服务员 Food and beverage servers
6711 65201 5 食品柜台服务员、厨房帮手和相关支持职业 Food counter attendants, kitchen helpers and related support occupations
6331拆分 65202 5 切肉员和鱼贩 - 零售和批发 Meat cutters and fishmongers - retail and wholesale
6721 65210 5 住宿、旅行和设施设置服务方面的支持职业 Support occupations in accommodation, travel and facilities set-up services
6316、6722拆分 65211 5 娱乐、休闲和运动的操作员和服务员 Operators and attendants in amusement, recreation and sport
6563 65220 5 宠物美容师和动物护理人员 Pet groomers and animal care workers
6564 65229 5 个人服务中的其他支持职业(占星家、心理咨询、算命、约会服务顾问) Other support occupations in personal services
4412、6731拆分 65310 5 保洁 Light duty cleaners
6732 65311 5 专业清洁工(建筑外墙、设备、通风系统、汽车、家具、化粪池) Specialized cleaners
6733 65312 5 看门人、管理员和重型清洁工 Janitors, caretakers and heavy-duty cleaners
6741 65320 5 干洗、洗衣及相关职业 Dry cleaning, laundry and related occupations
6541、6742拆分 65329 5 其他服务支持职业(美容店、门房、酒店、收费站、殡仪馆、停车场、洗衣房服务人员) Other service support occupations
7451 75100 5 码头工人 Longshore workers
6221、7452拆分 75101 5 物料搬运工(包括叉车、转载机、输送机操作员) Material handlers
7371、7611拆分 75110 5 建筑业帮手和劳工 Construction trades helpers and labourers
7612 75119 5 其他行业帮手和劳工(空中喷洒助手、机械师助手、验船师助手、电缆安装助手) Other trades helpers and labourers
7513 75200 5 出租车和豪华轿车司机和司机 Taxi and limousine drivers and chauffeurs
1513、7514拆分 75201 5 送货服务司机和上门送件员 Delivery service drivers and door-to-door distributors
7533 75210 5 船只和电缆渡轮操作员及相关职业 Boat and cable ferry operators and related occupations
7622 75211 5 铁路和汽车运输工人(检票员、送货司机助手、家具搬运工) Railway and motor transport labourers
7621 75212 5 公共工程和维护工人(市政工人、垃圾收集、下水道、停车收费、养路工人、道路清洁) Public works and maintenance labourers
8252、8431拆分 85100 5 畜牧民工 Livestock labourers
8613 85102 5 水产养殖和海洋捕捞工人 Aquaculture and marine harvest labourers
8432 85103 5 苗圃和温室工人 Nursery and greenhouse labourers
8442 85104 5 捕猎者和猎人 Trappers and hunters
8614 85110 5 矿工 Mine labourers
8615 85111 5 石油和天然气钻探、服务和相关工人 Oil and gas drilling, servicing and related labourers
8616 85120 5 伐木和林业工人 Logging and forestry labourers
8612 85121 5 园林绿化和地面维护工人 Landscaping and grounds maintenance labourers
9611 95100 5 矿物和金属加工工人 Labourers in mineral and metal processing
9612 95101 5 金属制造工人 Labourers in metal fabrication
9421、9613拆分 95102 5 化工产品加工和公用事业工人 Labourers in chemical products processing and utilities
9614 95103 5 木材、纸浆和纸张加工工人 Labourers in wood, pulp and paper processing
9615 95104 5 橡胶和塑料制品制造工人 Labourers in rubber and plastic products manufacturing
9441、9445、9616拆分 95105 5 纺织品加工裁剪工人 Labourers in textile processing and cutting
9617 95106 5 食品和饮料加工工人 Labourers in food and beverage processing
9618 95107 5 鱼类和海鲜加工工人 Labourers in fish and seafood processing
9619 95109 5 其他加工、制造和公用事业工人(服装厂、制鞋厂、家具厂、纸箱、装订、包装、分拣) Other labourers in processing, manufacturing and utilities
1.世界各国无犯罪证明(criminal Record)、海牙认证(Apostille)、使馆认证(legalization):http://www.newnewdoc.com/index.php?page=Police-Certificate-Service-Order-Form;