加拿大联邦Express Entry Category-based selection挑选职业清单--新新源移民
(2)Healthcare occupations--健康护理类职业(近3年至少6个月的如下职业清单的全球的连续工作经验)
2021版职业 TEER分类 职业英文 职业中文
31112 1 Audiologists and speech language pathologists 听力学家和语言病理学家
31201 1 Chiropractors 脊椎按摩师
31110 1 Dentists 牙医
31121 1 Dieticians and nutritionists 营养师和营养师
41320 1 Education counsellors 教育顾问(学术顾问、职业顾问、学生就业协调)
31102 1 General practitioners and family physicians 全科医生和家庭医生
42203 2 Instructors of persons with disabilities 残疾人教师
31204 1 Kinesiologists and other professional occupation in therapy and assessment 运动机能学家和其他治疗和评估专业人员
32101 2 Licensed practical nurses 执业护士
32201 2 Massage therapists  按摩治疗师
33101 3 Medical laboratory assistants and related technical occupations 医学实验室助理及相关技术职业
32120 2 Medical laboratory technologists 医学化验师
32121 2 Medical radiation technologists 医疗放射技师
32122 2 Medical sonographers 医学超声医师
33102 3 Nurse aides, orderlies and patient service associates 护士助理、勤杂工和病人服务助理
31302 1 Nurse practitioners 执业护士-新新源移民
31300 1 Nursing co-ordinators and supervisors 护理协调员和主管
31203 1 Occupational therapists 职业理疗师
31111 1 Optometrists 验光师
33109 3 Other assisting occupations in support of health services 支持卫生服务的其他辅助职业(听力测试助理、眼科助理、验光助理、解剖助理、停尸房工作人员、整形技师、献血助理)
32209 2 Other practitioners of natural healing 其他自然疗法从业者(芳香精油疗法、草药、 印度阿育吠陀、催眠、整骨、按摩)
31209 1 Other professional occupations in health diagnosing and treating 其他卫生诊疗专业(手足病医生、骨科医生、自然疗法医生)
32109 2 Other technical occupations in therapy and assessment 治疗和评估方面的其他技术职业(理疗技师、言语治疗、职业治疗、眼科技师、康复助理)
32102 2 Paramedical occupations 辅助医疗职业(重症护理辅助、救护车服务、急救服务相关医务和护理人员)
33103 3 Pharmacy technical assistants and pharmacy assistants 药房技术助理和药房助理
31303 1 Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionals 医师助理、助产士和专职医疗人员
31202 1 Physiotherapists 物理治疗师
31200 1 Psychologists 心理学家
31301 1 Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses 注册护士和注册精神科护士
32103 2 Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists 呼吸治疗师、临床灌注师和心肺技师
31100 1 Specialists in clinical and laboratory medicine 临床和实验室医学专家
31101 1 Specialists in surgery 外科专家
41301 1 Therapists in counselling and related specialized therapies 咨询和相关专业治疗的治疗师(各种治疗室、心理教育、家庭顾问、婚姻咨询、性学家)
32200 2 Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners and acupuncturists 中医和针灸师
31103 1 Veterinarians 兽医
(3)Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) occupations--科学、技术、工程和数学职业(近3年至少6个月的如下职业清单的全球的连续工作经验)
21200 1 Architects 建筑师
20011 0 Architecture and science managers 建筑和科学经理(建筑和城市规划、首席精算、农业化学、石油地质、生命科学、统计服务、科学研究、林业/矿业/制造业研究)
21221 1 Business systems specialists 商业系统专家(商业系统/信息系统分析及顾问)
21300 1 Civil Engineers 土木工程师-新新源移民
20012 0 Computer and information systems managers 计算机和信息系统经理
21311 1 Computer engineers (except software engineers and designers) 计算机硬件工程师(不包含软件工程师和设计师)
21230 1 Computer systems developers and programmers 计算机系统开发人员和程序员
21220 1 Cybersecurity specialists 网络安全专家-新新源移民
21211 1 Data scientists 数据科学家
21223 1 Database analysts and data administrators 数据库分析师和数据管理员
21310 1 Electrical and electronics engineers 电气和电子工程师
20010 0 Engineering managers 工程经理(电信工程、工程研发、电气工程、生产工程、工程部门)
21321 1 Industrial and manufacturing engineers 工业和制造工程师
21222 1 Information systems specialists 信息系统专家
21203 1 Land surveyors 土地测量师
21201 1 Landscape Architects 景观设计师
21210 1 Mathematicians, statisticians and actuaries 数学家、统计学家和精算师
21322 1 Metallurgical and materials engineers 冶金和材料工程师
41400 1 Natural and applied science policy researchers, consultants and program officers 自然和应用科学政策研究人员、顾问和项目官员
21232 1 Software developers and programmers 软件开发人员和程序员
21231 1 Software engineers and designers 软件工程师和设计师-新新源移民
21202 1 Urban and land use planners 城市和土地利用规划师
21233 1 Web designers 网页设计师-新新源移民
21234 1 Web developers and programmers 网络开发人员和程序员
(4)Trade occupations--技工职业(近3年至少6个月的如下职业清单的全球的连续工作经验)
73200 3 Residential and commercial installers and servicers 住宅和商业安装和服务工
72406 2 Elevator constructors and mechanics 电梯制造商和机械师
72405 2 Machine fitters 机器装配工
72402 2 Heating, refrigeration and air conditioning mechanics 供暖、制冷和空调机械师
72400 2 Construction millwrights and industrial mechanics 建筑技工和工业机械师
72310 2 Carpenters 木匠
72300 2 Plumbers 管道工
72200 2 Electricians (except industrial and power system) 电工(工业和电力系统除外)
72106 2 Welders and related machine operators 焊工和相关机器操作员
72014 2 Contractors and supervisors, other construction trades, installers, repairers and servicers 承包商和主管,其他建筑行业、安装人员、维修人员和服务人员
(5)Transport occupations--交通运输职业(近3年至少6个月的如下职业清单的全球的连续工作经验)
93200 3 Aircraft assemblers and aircraft assembly inspectors 飞机装配工和飞机装配检查员
73300 3 Transport truck drivers 运输卡车司机
72604 2 Railway traffic controllers and marine traffic regulators 铁路交通管制员和海上交通管制员
72603 2 Engineer officers, water transport 轮机员,水上运输
72602 2 Deck officers, water transport 甲板人员,水上运输
72601 2 Air traffic controllers and related occupations 空中交通管制员及相关职业
72600 2 Air pilots, flight engineers and flying instructors 飞行员、飞行工程师和飞行教员--新新源移民
72404 2 Aircraft mechanics and aircraft inspectors 飞机机械师和飞机检查员
72403 2 Railway carmen/women 铁路工(机械师、检验员、修理工、学徒)
70020 0 Managers in transportation 交通运输经理(飞行运营、货运代理、公交、铁路营运、物流配送、游轮航线)
(6)Agriculture and agri-food occupations--农业和农产品职业(近3年至少6个月的如下职业清单的全球的连续工作经验)
82031 2 Contractors and supervisors, landscaping, grounds maintenance and horticulture services 承包商和主管、景观美化、场地维护和园艺服务
82030 2 Agricultural service contractors and farm supervisors 农业服务承包商和农场主管
63201 3 Butchers- retail and wholesale 屠宰 - 零售和批发
1.世界各国无犯罪证明(criminal Record)、海牙认证(Apostille)、使馆认证(legalization):http://www.newnewdoc.com/index.php?page=Police-Certificate-Service-Order-Form;