【CIC官方】越南(Vietnam))无刑事犯罪/香港认证/国际律师/使馆领馆/海牙商务/国家法院认证公证(Police Certificate)
【CIC官方】越南(Vietnam))无刑事犯罪/香港认证/国际律师/使馆领馆/海牙商务/国家法院认证公证(Police Certificate)
官方名称:Judicial Certificate #2 or Criminal Record Certificate #2 (Phieu LyLich Tu Phap So 2)
自己去nearest municipal or provincial Justice Department (So TuPhap) 申请
将申请表格邮寄到Department of Justice申请。You should send your completed application to the Department ofJustice (So Tu Phap) by post. (See Special notes and considerations for thecomplete mailing address and website address to obtain the forms.)
Follow the proceduresto apply for a criminal record certificate at the Department of Justice.
自己去 your nearest municipal or provincial Justice Department申请
将申请表格邮寄到Department of Justice申请。You should send your completed application to the Department ofJustice (So Tu Phap) by post. (See Special notes and considerations for thecomplete mailing address and website address to obtain the forms.)
Follow the proceduresto apply for a criminal record certificate at the Department of Justice.
-An application form for criminal recordcertificates (TỜ KHAI YÊU CẦU CẤP PHIẾU LÝ LỊCH TƯ PHÁP); FormNo.03/2013/TT-LLTP available on the Ministryof Justice website.
-A scan of the original or a certified copy of your valid passport.
-A scan of the original or a certified copyof your temporary residence certificate / permanent residence certificate /temporary residence card / permanent residence card.
-For foreigners, in case there is notemporary residence certificate/permanent residence certificate/temporaryresidence card/permanent residence card, a certified copy of passport withentries and exits relevant to Vietnam or visas stamped by Vietnamese MigrationDepartment shall be submitted.
-Applicable fees.
The judicial record is granted in Vietnamese.If you want an English translation, you may make a request when you receiveyour Vietnamese judicial record.
Ministry of Justice (So Tu Phap)
58-60 Tran Phu street, Ba Dinh, Ha Noi
Tel.: (84) 6273921, (84) 62739324;
Fax: (84) 62739359
Email: botuphap@moj.gov.vn
Website: www.moj.gov.vn
National Center for Criminal Record (TrungTam Ly Lich Tu Phap Quoc Gia)
No.9 Tran Vi Street, Mai Dich Ward, Cau Giay District, Hanoi;
04.66841313 or 0432031313;
Email: ttlltpqg@moj.gov.vn
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