4021 College andother vocational instructors
Thisunit group includes instructors who teach applied arts, academic, technical andvocational subjects to students at community colleges, CEGEPs, agriculturalcolleges, technical and vocational institutes, language schools and othercollege level schools. This unit group also includes trainers who are employedby private training establishments, companies, community agencies andgovernments to deliver internal training or development courses. Collegeteachers who are heads of departments are included in this group.
Collegeand other vocational instructors perform some or all of the following duties:
Teachstudents using a systematic plan of lectures, demonstrations, discussiongroups, laboratory work, shop sessions, seminars, case studies, fieldassignments and independent or group projects
Developcurriculum and prepare teaching materials and outlines for courses
Prepare,administer and mark tests and papers to evaluate students' progress
Advisestudents on program curricula and career decisions
Provideindividualized tutorial or remedial instruction to students who require it
Superviseindependent or group projects, field placements, laboratory work or hands-ontraining
Superviseteaching assistants
Mayprovide consultation services to government, business and other organizations
Mayserve on committees concerned with matters such as budgets, curriculumrevision, and course and diploma requirements.
These instructors specialize in particular fields or areas of study such asvisual arts, dental hygiene, welding, engineering technology, policing,computer software, management and early childhood education.
academicsubjects teacher – college level——学科教师 - 学院层次
accountingteacher –college level——会计教师 - 学院层次
advertisingart teacher——广告艺术老师
agriculturalcollege teacher——农业高校教师
agriculturalschool teacher——农业学校老师
airlinecustomer-service instructor——航空客户服务教师
appareldesign teacher——服装设计教师
applianceservicing teacher – vocational institute——家电维修教师 - 职业学院
appliedarts teacher – college level——应用艺术教师 - 学院层次
architecturaltechnology instructor——建筑技术教师
automotiverepair instructor – community college——汽车修理教师 - 社区学院
Biblecollege teacher——圣经学院教师
Bibleschool teacher——圣经学校教师
businessadministration teacher——企业管理教师
businessadministration teacher – college level——企业管理教师 - 学院层次
businesscollege instructor——商学院讲师(新新源移民)
businesscollege teacher——商学院教师
businesslaw teacher——商业法律教师
businesssubjects teacher – vocational institute——商业科目教师 - 职业学院
CEGEP(general and vocational college) teacher——CEGEP(普通和职业学校)教师
chemicaltechnology teacher——化工技术教师
chemistryteacher –agricultural school——化学老师 - 农业学校
child-careservice teacher——托儿服务教师
child-careservice teacher – college level——托儿服务教师 - 学院层次
clothingdesign teacher——服装设计托儿服务教师
collegeof applied arts and technology instructor——高校应用艺术和技术教师
collegeof applied arts and technology teacher——高校应用艺术和技术教师
commercialart instructor——商业艺术教师
commercialart teacher——商业艺术教师
commercialsubjects teacher – vocational institute——商业科目教师 - 职业学院
commercialvehicle driver instructor——商用车辆驾驶教练
communicationsteacher –college level——通信教师 - 学院层次
communitycollege instructor——社区学院讲师
communitycollege teacher——社区学院教师
communityplanning teacher – college level——社区规划教师 - 学院层次
computerprogramming instructor – college level——计算机编程教师 - 学院层次
computerscience teacher – college level——计算机科学教师 - 学院层次
computertraining instructor——电脑培训教师
computertraining representative——计算机培训代表
computer-assisteddrafting (CAD) instructor——计算机辅助绘图(CAD)教师
correspondenceschool instructor——函授学院讲师
correspondenceschool tutor——函授学院导师
correspondenceteacher –college level——函授老师 - 学院层次
courtreporting instructor——法院报告指导员
data-processingteacher –college level——数据处理师 - 学院层次
denominationalinstitute teacher——宗派教师
dentalassistant program teacher – community college——牙医助理计划教师 - 社区学院
dentalhygienist program teacher——牙齿卫生员计划教师
departmentchairman/woman – college——系主任 - 高校(新新源移民)
departmentchairman/woman – community college——系主任 - 社区学院
departmentchairperson – college——系主任 - 高校
departmentchairperson – community college——系主任 - 社区学院
departmenthead – CEGEP——系主任 - CEGEP
departmenthead –college——系主任 - 学院
departmenthead –community college——系主任 - 社区学院
departmenthead –institute of technology——系主任 - 技术学院
departmenthead –private training institute——系主任 - 私人培训机构
departmenthead –technical institute——系主任 - 技术学院
departmenthead –vocational institute——系主任 - 职业学院
directsales instructor——直销讲师
draftinginstructor – college level——制图教师 - 学院层次
draftingteacher –college level——制图教师 - 学院层次
drivinginstructor, commercial vehicles——驾驶教练,商用车辆
earlychildhood education instructor – college level——早教教师 - 学院层次
earlychildhood education teacher – college level——幼儿教育的老师 - 学院层次
economicsteacher –college level——经济学教师 - 学院层次
electrolysisinstructor – vocational institute——电解教师 - 职业学院
electromechanicaltechnology teacher – college level——机电技术教师 - 学院层次
electronictechnology teacher – college level——电子技术教师 - 高校级
elocutionteacher –non-medical——演说教师 - 非医疗
Englishas a second language teacher (ESL) – college level——英语作为第二语言老师(ESL) - 专科层次
Englishteacher –business college——英语老师 - 商学院
Englishteacher –college level——英语老师 - 学院层次
ESL(English as a second language) teacher – college level——ESL(英语作为第二语言)教师 - 大学水平
fashiondesign teacher – CEGEP——时装设计名师 - CEGEP
fashionteacher –college level——时尚老师 - 学院层次
finearts teacher – college level——美术老师 - 学院层次
flightattendants instructor——空姐教练
Frenchas a second language teacher (except elementary, high school or university)——法语作为第二语言的教师(除小学,高中或大学)
graphicarts teacher——图形艺术教师
graphicdesign instructor——平面设计讲师
groundschool instructor——地面学校讲师
hairdressinginstructor – vocational institute——美发讲师 - 职业学院
hairdressingteacher – community college——美发教师 - 社区学院
healthand safety instructor——健康和安全指导员
healthtechnology teacher——卫生技术教师
heavyequipment operators instructor – community college——重型设备运营商指导员 - 社区学院
historyteacher –CEGEP——历史老师 - CEGEP
horticultureand landscaping instructor – school of horticulture——园艺和绿化指导员 - 园艺学校
hotelmanagement teacher – college——酒店管理教师 - 大专
industrialinstrumentation teacher——工业仪器仪表教师(新新源移民)
industrialsafety instructor——工业安全指导员
instituteof technology teacher——技术教师学院
instructor–business college——教练 - 商学院
instructor–commercial college——教练 - 商学院
instructor– company——指导员 - 公司
instructor–industry——指导员 - 工业
instructor–language school——指导员 - 语言学校
instructor– privatetraining institute——指导员 - 私人培训机构
instructor–technical school——指导员 - 技术学校
instructor–technology institute——指导员 - 技术学院
instructor–vocational school——指导员 - 职业学校
instructor,college of applied arts and technology——指导员,大学应用艺术与技术的
instructor,community college——指导员,社区学院
instructor,correspondence school——指导员,函授学校
instructor,flight attendants——教练,空姐
instructor,ground school——指导员,地面学校
instructor,health and safety——指导员,健康和安全
instructor,heavy equipment operators – community college——指导员,重型设备操作员 - 社区学院
instructor,industrial safety——指导员,工业安全
instructor,technological institute——指导员,技术学院
interiordesign teacher——室内设计教师
journalismteacher –college level——新闻老师 - 学院层次
languageinstructor – language school——语言指导员 - 语言学校
languagelaboratory teacher – college level——语言实验室的老师 - 专科层次
languageschool instructor——语言学校讲师
lawenforcement teacher——执法老师
lawteacher –police college——法律教师 - 公安高等专科学校
leader,management seminar——领导,管理研讨会
lecturer– college——讲师 - 高校
legalassistant program teacher——法律助理计划教师
legalsecretarial program teacher – community college——法律秘书计划教师 - 社区学院
managementseminar leader——管理研讨会的领导
marketingteacher –college level——营销教师 - 学院层次
mathematicsteacher –college level——数学老师 - 学院层次
mechanicaltechnology teacher – college level——机械技术教师 - 学院层次
medicalrecords management program teacher——医疗记录管理计划教师
medicaltechnology teacher——医疗技术教师(新新源移民)
mineraltechnology teacher – college of applied arts and technology——矿物技术老师 - 应用艺术与技术学院
miningrescue instructor——矿山救援教官
modernlanguages teacher – college level——现代语言的老师 - 学院层次
modernlanguages tutor – language school——现代语言家教 - 语言学校
musicteacher –conservatory of music——音乐教师 - 音乐学院的音乐
nursingeducator – except college——护理教育家 - 高校除外
nursinginstructor – college——护理讲师 - 大学
policecollege teacher——警方高校教师
printingtechnology teacher – CEGEP——印刷技术的老师 - CEGEP
professionaltraining instructor——专业培训讲师
recreationalleadership teacher——康乐领导教师
remedialteacher –college level——补救老师 - 学院层次
retailmanagement teacher——零售管理教师
second-languageinstructor – language school——第二语言指导员 - 语言学校
secretarialservices teacher——秘书服务教师
shorthandteacher –business college——速录师 - 商学院
socialservices teacher – college level——社会服务老师 - 专科层次
stafftraining officer – industry——人员培训人员 - 行业
teacher–business college——老师 - 商学院(新新源移民)
teacher–commercial college——老师 - 商学院
teacher–institute of technology——老师 - 技术研究所
teacher–seminary——老师 - 神学院
teacher,agricultural college——老师,农学院
teacher,agricultural school——老师,农业学校
teacher,Bible college——老师,圣经学院
teacher,Bible school——老师,圣经学校
teacher,CEGEP (general and vocational college)——老师,大专学院(普通和职业学院)
teacher,college of applied arts and technology——老师,应用艺术与技术学院
teacher,community college——老师,社区学院
teacher,English as a second language (ESL) – college level—老师,英语作为第二语言(ESL) - 专科层次
teacher,English as a second language (except elementary, high school or university)——老师,英语作为第二语言(除小学,高中或大学)
teacher,French as a second language (except elementary, high school or university)——教师,法语作为第二语言(除小学,高中或大学)
teacher,legal assistant program——老师,法律助理项目
teacher,police college——老师,警察大学
teacher,public speaking——老师,公众演讲
teacher,technological institute——教师,技术学院
teacher,vocational institute——教师,职业学院
technicalsubjects instructor – vocational institute——技术科目教师 - 职业学院
technologicalinstitute instructor——技术学院讲师
technologicalinstitute teacher——技术学院老师
technologicalsubjects instructor – vocational institute——技术科目教师 - 职业学院
technologyteacher –college level——技术教师 - 学院层次
tooland die making teacher – community college——工具和模具制造师 - 社区学院
tradeinstructor – community college——贸易指导员 - 社区学院(新新源移民)
trainingconsultant – industry——培训顾问 - 产业
traininginstructor – college level——培训讲师 - 专科层次
trainingofficer –company——培训人员 - 公司
trainingrepresentative, computer——培训代表,计算机
truckdriver trainer – community college——卡车司机教练 - 社区学院
tutor,correspondence school——家教,函授学校
tutor,modern languages – language school——导师,现代语言 - 语言学校
typingteacher –commercial college——打字老师 - 商学院
vocationalinstitute teacher——高职院校教师
weldingteacher –technical institute——焊接教师 - 技术学院
Abachelor's degree, a college diploma or demonstrated expertise in the field ofinstruction is required.
Amaster's degree in the field of instruction may be required.
Acertificate, diploma or degree in adult education may be required.
Forinstructors of trades, completion of apprenticeship training and industry ortrade certification are required. Additional courses in teaching or aprovincial teaching certificate may be required.
InQuébec, trades training programs are offered in the secondary school system.
Progressionto administrative positions in post-secondary education is possible withexperience.
Administrators- post-secondary education and vocational training (0421)
Instructorsteaching non-academic or non-vocational courses (in 4216 Other instructors )
Secondaryschool teachers (4031)
Universityprofessors and lecturers (4011)
(10) 新新源移民服务费