
作者/来源:新新源移民/newnewland   发表时间:2015-06-11 13:44:44


2222 Agriculturaland fish products inspectors





Agriculturaland fish products inspectors inspect agricultural and fish products forconformity to prescribed production, storage and transportation standards. Theyare employed by government departments and agencies and by private sector foodprocessing companies. Supervisors of agricultural and fish products inspectorsare also included in this group.











The following is a summary of main duties for some occupations in this unitgroup:

Fishand fish products inspectors inspect fish, fish products, fish handling andprocessing methods and prepare reports and ensure that regulations arefollowed.

Fruitand vegetables inspectors inspect fresh and frozen fruit and vegetables atinspection centres and prepare reports on crop production and marketconditions.

Graininspectors inspect and grade all classes of grain at terminal elevators,monitor the fumigation of infested grain, and examine storage, handling andtransportation equipment to ensure that sanitary procedures are followed.

Meatinspectors monitor the operations and sanitary conditions of slaughtering andmeat processing plants and inspect carcasses to ensure they are fit for humanconsumption.

Plantprotection inspectors certify seed crops, oversee the quarantine, treatment ordestruction of plants and plant products, and the fumigation of plants andplant product imports and exports.




农产品检查员——agricultural products inspector

动物卫生督察——animal health inspector

动物的初级产品检验员——animal primary products inspector

助理粮食巡视员——assistant grain inspector

面包督察——bread inspector

黄油督察——butter inspector

霜督察——cream inspector

作物认证检查——crop certification inspector

乳制品检查——dairy products inspector

鱼和鱼产品检查员——fish and fish products inspector

鱼督察——fish inspector

鱼督察——fish inspector-grader

鱼产品检验主管——fish products inspection supervisor

鱼产品检查员——fish products inspector

面粉督察——flour inspector

食品检查——food products inspector

水果和蔬菜检查员——fruit and vegetables inspector

水果督察——fruit inspector

谷物检验监——grain inspection supervisor

粮食检查——grain inspector

易腐货物检查——inspector of perishable goods

督察,传染性动物疾病预防——inspector, contagious animal diseases prevention

检查员,鱼和鱼制品——inspector, fish and fish products

检查员,水果和蔬菜——inspector, fruit and vegetables

检查,粮食——inspector, grain

督察,家畜——inspector, livestock

督察,肉——inspector, meat

督察,牛奶——inspector, milk

检查员,屠宰及肉类加工厂——inspector, slaughtering and meat processing plant

督察年级学生,鱼——inspector-grader, fish

家畜督察——livestock inspector

肉类卫生检查——meat hygiene inspector

肉类检验监——meat inspection supervisor

肉类检查员——meat inspector

牛奶督察——milk inspector

植物初级产品检验员——plant primary products inspector

植物保护检查员——plant protection inspector

家禽督察——poultry inspector

初级产品检验员,动物——primary products inspector, animals

农产品检查员——produce inspector

农作物种子检验员——seed crop inspector

种子粒数督察——seed grains inspector

主管,农产品检验——supervisor, agricultural products inspection

主管,鱼产品检验——supervisor, fish products inspection

主管,水果和蔬菜检测中心——supervisor, fruit and vegetables inspection centre

蔬菜督察——vegetable inspector



Completionof secondary school is required.

Governmentinspectors usually require a bachelor's degree or college diploma inagriculture, biology, chemistry, food processing technology or a relateddiscipline.

Inspectors(other than government) may require a bachelor's degree or college diploma in arelated discipline.

Severalyears of experience in agricultural production or fish processing are usuallyrequired.

Completionof in-house training courses is required.


Progressionto managerial positions in this field is possible with experience.



Biologicaltechnologists and technicians (2221)

Fishgraders and meat graders who perform routine quality control duties or tallylanded fish (in 9465 Testers and graders, food, beverageand associated products processing )

Forestrytechnologists and technicians (2223)

Inspectorsin public and environmental health and occupational health and safety (2263)

Classification Structure - 2 

