
作者/来源:新新源移民/newnewland   发表时间:2021-12-28 11:02:17


一、General 说明


(1)189独立技术移民(Skilled – Independent (subclass 189)):达到65分(实际上挑选分数一般要70分及以上),即可申请移民,不需要州担保或其他担保(新新源移民)。

(2)190州担保技术移民(Skilled – Nominated (subclass 190)):需要在担保州至少需要居住2年。

(3)491偏远地区担保或指定地区亲属担保(Skilled – Regional Sponsored (subclass 491)):491签证是取代原来的489签证(2019年11月16日开始),491签证是5年的临时签证,需要在偏远地区居住满3年才可以申请191永久签证。

Note:原来的489签证是一个4年的临时签证(provisional visa)。被偏远地区担保:需要在担保的偏远地区工作、居住、学习至少2年,并且一年全职工作经验可申请887永久签证。被指定地区的亲属担保:担保人可以是澳大利亚公民、永久居民或者符合资格的新西兰人。



(一)指定区域的亲属提示Designated areas of Australia for Skilled Regional visas:


An eligible relative can be:

a parent

a child or step-child

a brother, sister, adoptive brother, adoptive sister, step-brother or step-sister

an aunt, uncle, adoptive aunt, adoptive uncle, step-aunt or step-uncle

a nephew, niece, adoptive nephew, adoptive niece, step-nephew or step-niece

a grandparent, or

a first cousin


亲属必须是主申或配偶的亲属,要18周岁及以上,身份是澳洲公民、澳洲永久居民,或符合资格的新西兰公民。居住在如下指定区域:Designated Areas(指定区域的亲属)--新新源移民


        Designated regional area postcodes

The regional definition is comprised of 3 categories and offers regional incentives for skilled migrants who migrate to locations classified as Category 2 ‘Cities and Major Regional Centres’ or Category 3 ‘Regional Centres and Other Regional Areas’

Category 2 – ‘Cities and Major Regional Centres’  of Perth, Adelaide, the Gold Coast, the Sunshine Coast, Canberra,  Newcastle/Lake Macquarie, Wollongong/Illawarra, Geelong and Hobart

Category 3 – ‘Regional Centres and Other  Regional Areas (Include Designated regional area postcodes as per below table)


 note:Category 1其实是Major Cities of Sydney,Melbourne and Brisbane, do not receive any regional Incentives。悉尼、墨尔本和布里斯班三大城市。


(二)491偏远地区提示Postcodes of regional Australia and low population growth metropolitan areas:Category 2 和Category 3有偏远地区的加分。

        Designated regional area postcodes

The regional definition is comprised of 3 categories and offers regional incentives for skilled migrants who migrate to locations classified as Category 2 ‘Cities and Major Regional Centres’ or Category 3 ‘Regional Centres and Other Regional Areas’

Category 2 – ‘Cities and Major Regional Centres’  of Perth, Adelaide, the Gold Coast, the Sunshine Coast, Canberra,  Newcastle/Lake Macquarie, Wollongong/Illawarra, Geelong and Hobart

Category 3 – ‘Regional Centres and Other  Regional Areas (Include Designated regional area postcodes as per below table)


 note:Category 1其实是Major Cities of Sydney,Melbourne and Brisbane, do not receive any regional Incentives。悉尼、墨尔本和布里斯班三大城市。









(5)雅思至少四个6(at least competent English)或其他等同成绩(托福等);





准备的材料主要有:身份文件(护照及ID类相关文件)、关系文件(结婚证明或离婚证明)、品行文件(满16周岁在某个国家停留超过12个月的无犯罪证明)、语言文件(语言成绩证书)、伴侣文件(伴侣ID类证明、伴侣关系证明、伴侣functional English语言成绩)、孩子文件(ID类证明及出生证明、父母准予移民申明、18周岁孩子functional English语言成绩)、职业评估文件、其他打分涉及到的材料(年龄、学历、语言、澳洲学习、技能工作、特别领域的教育)










(3)新生儿在准签后出生的,需要提交101孩子团聚移民申请 https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/change-in-situation/had-a-baby

(4)申请人的伴侣和孩子是豁免国的公民并持有有效护照,则functional English语言成绩不需要提供,也不需要缴纳语言费。如果是其他国家的公民,functional English语言成绩也不是必须提供,但是提供了,则不需要缴纳 the second instalment of the visa application charge。


(1)申请费(主申和其他成员)关键词是work visa,不是live visa。

    Fees and charges for Work visas(189/190/491)

Base application charge:AUD4,115

Additional applicant charge 18 and over :AUD2,055

Additional applicant charge under 18:AUD1,030



 另外,没有functional English语言成绩的18周岁及以上成员的语言费(AUD4,885,在visa grant的时候会要求付费)

         Have this level of English language                      

         At the time of invitation, you must have at least Competent English.

        Information about family members 18 years old or older                       

        If a family member 18 years or older is applying for the visa with you, either:

        -they must have functional English or

        -they must pay a second instalment visa application charge

You might have to pay an extra charge for any applicant 18 years old or older who has less than functional English. This charge is the second instalment. Pay it only when we ask you to. We ask for the charge only if we are going to grant the visa.

The second instalment charge for family members is AUD4,885.

The Visa Pricing Estimator does not include the second instalment or other costs.You might also have to pay other costs for health checks, police certificates and biometrics.

(2)Processing Time-处理周期

189 Processing times

75% of applications: 18 months

90% of applications: 27 months

190 Processing times

75% of applications: 12 months

90% of applications: 18 months

491 Processing times

75% of applications: 10 months

90% of applications: 13 months


(3)Visa label(不贴签,电子签证)

We will digitally link your visa to your passport. You will not get a label in your passport.

NOTE:8515 - Not marry before first entry: The visa holder must not marry or enter into a de facto relationship before entering Australia.


加拿大技术移民、海牙认证使馆认证、Police Certificate:


加拿大联邦Express Entry项目(雅思8777G类听读写说):

