【!!】德国Germany无犯罪记录Certificate of conduct申请--If I am submitting my certificate of conduct to another EU Member State, do I need to apply for an apostille?
【!!】德国Germany无犯罪记录Certificate of conduct申请--If I am submitting my certificate of conduct to another EU Member State, do I need to apply for an apostille?
If your certificate of conduct states "no record" and you possess German nationality and are using the certificate of conduct in another EU Member State, there is generally no obligation to provide an apostille. Such citizens will also have the option of receiving a multilingual form as a translation aid. You can do this by writing to us after you make your application or requesting it at the time you make your written application for a certificate of conduct from abroad.
Please send your written application for a certificate of conduct from abroad to the following address:
Bundesamt für Justiz
Referat IV 2 (Internationale Registerangelegenheiten)
53094 Bonn, Germany
Your application can be made by post using a simple letter. Alongside your complete personal details, you must state which EU Member State the certificate of conduct is intended to be used in.
If you are applying for a multilingual form as a translation aid you will need to include the certificate of conduct.
Please send your application for the multilingual form and your certificate of conduct to:
Bundesamt für Justiz
Referat II 5 (Internationaler Urkundenverkehr)
53094 Bonn, Germany
The multilingual form for certificates of conduct costs EUR 13.00.
More information on the use of public documents in an international setting
How to get a police certificate – Germany德国无犯罪Certificate of Conduct: