
作者/来源:新新源移民/newnewland   发表时间:2015-07-06 12:51:46


4214 Early childhoodeducators and assistants





Earlychildhood educators plan, organize and implement programs for children betweenthe ages of infancy and 12 years. Early childhood educator assistants providecare for infants and preschool- to school-age children under the guidance ofearly childhood educators. Early childhood educators and assistants leadchildren in activities to stimulate and develop their intellectual, physicaland emotional growth and ensure their security and well-being. They areemployed in child-care centres, daycare centres, kindergartens, agencies forexceptional children and other settings where early childhood educationservices are provided. Supervisors of early childhood educators and assistantsare included in this unit group.

























Early childhood educators perform some or all of the following duties:

Developand implement child-care programs that support and promote the physical,cognitive, emotional and social development of children

Leadactivities by telling or reading stories, teaching songs, taking children tolocal points of interest and providing opportunities to express creativitythrough the media of art, dramatic play, music and physical activity

Planand maintain an environment that protects the health, security and well-beingof children

Assessthe abilities, interests and needs of children and discuss progress or problemswith parents and other staff members

Observechildren for signs of potential learning or behavioural problems and preparereports for parents, guardians or supervisor

Guideand assist children in the development of proper eating, dressing and toilethabits

Establishand maintain collaborative relationships with co-workers and community serviceproviders working with children

Mayplan and organize activities for school-age children in child-care programsbefore and after regular school hours

Maysupervise and co-ordinate activities of other early childhood educators andearly childhood educator assistants.

Early childhood educator assistants perform some or all of the followingduties:

Supportearly childhood educators in carrying out programs that promote the physical,cognitive, emotional and social development of children

Engagechildren in activities by telling stories, teaching songs and preparing crafts

Preparesnacks and arrange rooms or furniture for lunch and rest periods

Assistwith proper eating, dressing and toilet habits

Submitwritten observations on children to early childhood educators or supervisors

Maintaindaycare equipment and assist in housekeeping and cooking duties

Attendstaff meetings to discuss progress and problems of children

Mayassist early childhood educators or supervisors in keeping records.



助手,日托——aide, daycare

助手,幼儿园——aide, nursery school

助理ECE——assistant ECE

婴儿护理员——baby-care worker(新新源移民)

婴儿护理员助理——baby-care worker assistant

婴儿护理工作者主管——baby-care workers supervisor

儿童护理员 - 日托——child care worker – daycare

儿童护理员助理——child care worker assistant

幼儿工作者,日托——child care worker, daycare

合作社日托统筹——co-op daycare co-ordinator

统筹,合作社日托——co-ordinator, co-op daycare

统筹,日托——co-ordinator, daycare

日托助手——daycare aide

日托服务员——daycare attendant

日托统筹——daycare co-ordinator

日托帮手——daycare helper

日托主管——daycare supervisor

日托老师——daycare teacher

日托工人——daycare worker

日托工人助手——daycare worker assistant

幼儿助手——early childhood assistant

幼儿教育工作者——early childhood education worker

儿童早期教育 - 初中幼儿园——early childhood educator – junior kindergarten

儿童早期教育 - 幼儿园——early childhood educator – kindergarten

儿童早期教育 - 学前教育——early childhood educator – preschool

儿童早期教育(E.C.E.)——early childhood educator (E.C.E.)

儿童早期教育助理——early childhood educator assistant

儿童早期教育的助手 - 初中幼儿园——early childhood educator assistant– junior kindergarten(新新源移民)

儿童早期教育的助手 - 幼儿园——early childhood educator assistant – kindergarten

幼儿教育计划参谋助手——early childhood program staff assistant

幼儿教育计划主管——early childhood program supervisor

幼儿主管——early childhood supervisor

ECE助手——ECE assistant

教育家助理 - 初中幼儿园——educator assistant – junior kindergarten

帮手,日托——helper, daycare

帮手,托儿所——helper, nursery school

婴幼儿日托工人监事——infant daycare workers supervisor

婴幼儿日托工人——infants' daycare worker

幼儿园助手——nursery school aide

幼儿园帮手——nursery school helper

幼儿园老师——nursery school teacher

学龄前帮手——preschool helper

主管学前教育——preschool supervisor

老师,日托——teacher, daycare




Earlychildhood educators

  Completion of a two- to four-year collegeprogram in early childhood education
A bachelor's degree in child development is required.

  Licensing by a provincial or territorialassociation for early childhood educators (ECE) is usually required.Earlychildhood educator assistants

  Completion of secondary school is required.

  Experience in child care is required.

  Completion of an early childhood educationassistant certificate program or post-secondary courses in early childhoodeducation may be required.

  Licensing by a provincial or territorialassociation for early childhood educators (ECE) may be required.


Progressionto senior positions, such as daycare supervisor, is possible with several yearsof experience or with experience and advanced ECE qualification levels.




Child-carecentre administrators (in 0423 Managers in social, community andcorrectional services )

Elementaryand secondary school teacher assistants (4413)

Elementaryschool and kindergarten teachers (4032)

Classification Structure - 4 

